How to Date a Pageant Girl
Do you think you can do it? This blog is prompted by recent experiences but hopefully it rings true with my fellow queens and contestants out there. There needs to be a how-to guide for men as to what to expect at the beginning when you first meet to crowning and everything in between. 1: First time meeting- whether it’s out with friends or a blind date. There are things you should expect to see/signs one should notice about the girl at hand. And that’s depending on whether or not you have been told she does pageants. First and foremost, she is going to look very well put together. Image is EVERYTHING in the pageant world, from perfect hair and make-up to tailored clothing. This woman has spent a lot of time and effort (not forgetting money) making sure she steals the spotlight in some way or how good and/or bad. Her goal is unknown but what usual happens is she makes men stare and women become jealous or lesbians. You might be blown off your feet the first time you meet her and ca...