Pageant Fashion

No first and foremost I am not a fashionista, but I have my own sense of style. I feel it is something I have honed over the past 5-7 years and it has become my look. When competing in pageants its is for sure go big or go home and I know for me personally it is always done in the most tasteful way possible. So here a couple of things that all pageant girls need in order to be successful fashion-wise.

First, nude/skin tone shoes:
These will help elongate the leg and make you look taller. I always try to opt for a pair that has the platform covered, but that is my personal preference.

Second, a good cocktail ring:
Cocktail rings make any dress a instant success. It's a great way to dress up your wardrobe and not be hindered by the sash.

Third, a LBD:
As a title holder, there may be a plethora of charity events you have been asked to make and appearance at. Having a basic black dress that you can dress up anyway you please makes the outfit different every time you wear it. I suggest trying on a couple different styles and figuring out which works for you.

Fourth, Spanx:
As a pageant girl there are times when you are not in the best shape of your life (i.e. after competition) but you still have events to attend and want to wear pageant wardrobe that may no longer right. Behold the secret to your success. Spanx will keep you tucked in and tip and no lines showing in your one size to small cocktail dress. Might I suggest buying a couple outfits that have spandex already in them.

Fifth and Finally, Hair Pieces:
I personally am a fan of extensions, while I love my hair it doesn't grow at the same rate as Rapunzel and therefore I do have to cheat quite a little. To get the big supermodel hair on the Victoria Secret models all you need is time to research a good hair product and time to watch YouTube videos. Whether you choose to have them sewn-in or use clip in make sure you cover your tracks. Beauty Pageants is about smoke and mirrors in essence and we don't want any one knowing our secrets.

Well that's it for now. I'll post so more finds when I can.


Miss West Volusia USA

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