Pageants and Politics

One of the many benefits of competing is that a pageant contestant must stay up with current events. More importantly they must know where they stand on certain issues. Now we all know that everyone does not agree on every issue and that is what makes America great. If everyone was the same it would be boring. So whether you are a liberal, conservative, or honestly don't care. As a pageant contestant you must be ready to answer the hard hitting questions. I myself am a political junkie and I proudly say so. I like to know what is going on in Washington so that unlike those who only get there information from television or family. I can put together my own opinion on the subject and be comfortable about it. I believe everyone should come to their own opinion and not let others decide for you. I was lucky and my parents never talked about their political affiliations while I was growing up and we do vary on what we believe. Had they chosen for me when I was younger my views would be different. Every pageant girls and those alike should remember this scene right here.
Many were upset about what she said. But I believe the biggest problem isn't that its more about how she said it. Yes she spoke her mind, but she went on the offend some of the members of the panel with her harsh criticisms. Unfortunately being a pageant queens comes with the responsibility as to know when you can and cannot speak your mind. One must always remember not everyone will agree but as long as you do your best to not offend anyone you should be able to pass the interview section with flying colors. One of my favorite pageant contestants and excellent interviewer Miss Arkansas 2011 Elise Neal
Elise was given a very controversial question during Miss America that year and handled it like a pro. The audience feel in love with her even if they did not agree with her stance on the issue. Between Elise and Carrie you can see the monumental difference in how each contestant answered her question. If you are a USA system contestant I believe you can learn a lot from the America system in terms of interview and on stage question. These girls go through a 10 minutes interview with the judges instead of a 2-4 minute interview in USA. This means that the contestant has to know what she is talking about and be committed to her stance on issues. So if your looking to compete in any system, the moral of this is to know thy issue and know it well. You never know what kind of question you will get.

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